Saturday, November 4, 2017

Shop 'Til You Drop

Shop 'Til You Drop


Well you're hangin' out staring at the TV screen
You got an itchin' in your fingers now what could that mean
You're sittin' in the middle of a room full of stuff
But you still see the floor so there ain't quite enough
So you grab your keys and you head for the car
You drive down Cutter but you pass by the bar
Well you ain't got a penny but it ain't too hard
To pull out the Boss-a-matic credit card
You ain't saving stamps and you ain't savin' whales
You savin' lots of money because you shop Bossdales
You pull in the lot and you wave to the cop
You head on in, you're going to shop 'til ya drop
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop
Whatcha going' to do
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
But there's hats and gloves and shoes and socks
Skirts and shirts and building blocks
Got cots, got pets, got backyard shelters
Cigarette lighters and hamburger helpers
Get a washer, get a dryer, get a new refrigerator
Get a copier machine with a page collator
There's rope and soap and spoons and forks
Lawn chairs, spoons, balloons and corks
Chocolates, pop and red lipsticks
Weed whips, paint and trail mix
Stereos, oreos and tubes of cheese
TVs, CDs and DVDs
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
May I help you
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Cash or credit?
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Attention Bossdale shoppers, it's the Green Light special
Now in housewares featuring throw rugs, table lamps, lazy chairs, ammunition, calendars, soft pillows
Electronic milking machines, carpet remnants, fireworks, video games, pornography
Panty hose, kayaks, bats and bricks
Rings and springs and hockey sticks
Everywhere you look there's a new kind of thing
You stop and do lunch at the Burger King
Now you're stopping, now you're thinking what you might have forgot
'Til you find yourself lost in the parking lot
You got so much stuff with your hard earned bucks
You couldn't fit it all in a flatbed truck
You've been A to Z but you still don't stop
Can't be done, you were born to shop
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Find a bargain
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Well you take it all home and you call it mine
But you can't pay it off 'til you're ninety nine
You're set so well that you couldn't be weller
It all ends up in the attic and the cellar
You'll think about it later but you don't know when
Come next Saturday and you're doin' it again
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Sing it
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Lengthy instrumental
Chorus: Shop 'til you drop, born to shop, shop 'til you drop ...
Abruptly ends

Theresa's comments

Rockthrow did a song called "Shop 'Til You Drop" to which Kevin rapped (not made up on the spot but he made it flow spontaneously in a crazy way) and then we had a chorus. The end had a really wild long keyboard part that Kevin wrote years back, long before he decided to put it on a CD. In the recording studio, he brought a cassette tape to Ben, our recording wizard, from which Ben took the keyboard part and put it into the song. Kevin was apparently a bit drunk when he recorded it, way back when, so Ben had to take a small chunk out where Kevin got lost.

When we played the song live, I had to recreate the keyboard part, which was no easy task. I still have the piece of paper (see below) with the music I wrote after listening to the song over and over. It's a long piece so when the keyboard solo finally stops and we quickly jump back into to the chorus, the audience is always kind of surprised.

Friday, October 27, 2017

You're Not the Only One

You're Not the Only One


You like your beer
You love to fish
Your boat is okay
You like your dogs
They mostly do whatever you say
You love your teams
You paint your face when they play
You love your car
You hate the traffic
You like your phone
You love to play the video games
You like TV with all the girls, the fortunes and fame
You love the news, cause Rush and you think the same
You praise your God, you love your country
But who do you love enough to give to
Who means as much to you as you do
You are not the only hungry traveller
You're not the only one
You love to fight, you love to preach the things you believe
You love your guns, you love to brag about being free
You hate your boss, but you work meticulously
You like your house, you hate the city
But who do you love enough to give to
Who means as much to you as you do
You are not the only hungry traveller
You're not the only one
You just don't want to be alone
But you know you always have been
'Cause who do you love enough to give to
Who means as much to you as you do
You are not the only hungry traveller
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Theresa's Comments

(In response to not knowing the self-given nickname of radio host Limbaugh in a crossword puzzle)

As if I would know what that fathead calls himself. But I should have known EBRO, sheesh. I have never listened to Rush Limbaugh but I think I'd recognize his voice. Kevin refers to him in this song which was prescient of the Trump era. Kevin would have been infuriated by what's going on, as many of us are.

This song was supposed end slightly differently - I think Kevin didn't plan on repeating the guitar part after the 2nd to last "You're not the only one" but it got recorded that way and he decided not to re-record it. Now it's impossible to remember how it was originally supposed to sound. I love the harmony parts on this song and I'm kind of proud of the violin-sounding keyboard part.

So Far Away

So Far Away


Theresa's comments

I don't think we ever put "gated reverb" on our drum sounds. Jamie was pretty much just playing straight ahead trap set sounds, though sometimes he played the (cardboard) box. On my song "So Far Away", he played two sounds - one swishy sound which was produced by brushes on the snare drums and a lower sound which was kind of interesting. He thought a "heartbeat" sound would be good but using the bass drum with the kicker was too hard of a sound. So he sat in front of the bass drum with a rubber mallet and played the heartbeat beat throughout the song. I liked the way it turned out.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You

A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You


Theresa's comments

Rockthrow used maracas when we performed live our version of the Monkees' "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You".

Unfortunately this was only played live and not recorded. Here is the Monkees' version

A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You


Walk out, girl, don'tcha walk out
We've got things to say
Talk out, let's have it talked out
And things will be okay

Girl, I don't want to fight
I'm a little bit wrong, and you're a little bit right
I said girl, you know that it's true
It's a little bit me, and it's a little bit you, too

Don't know just what I said wrong
But girl, I apologize
Don't go, here's where you belong
So wipe the tears from your eyes

Girl, I don't want to fight
I'm a little bit wrong, and you're a little bit right
I said girl, you know that it's true
It's a little bit me, and it's a little bit you, too

Oh girl, I don't want to fight
I'm a little bit wrong, and you're a little bit right
I said girl, you know that it's true
It's a little bit me, and it's a little bit you, too

It's a little bit me, it's a little bit you
Girl, I'm gone, no no no no no
Girl I'm gone, no no no no no
Hey, girl

It sounds like they are using a wood block (or hand claps) and a tambourine but Jamie used the maracas (little mini hand-painted things) that I brought home from St. Croix, VI. One of them came off the handle because they weren't made to stand up to the force Jamie was using. He felt really bad but I pointed out I still had one so no real problem.

In the photo is the remaining maraca and a weird little drum I brought home from Mexico.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How Can I Ever Say

How Can I Ever Say


How can I ever say thanks to you for helping me along my way
How can I ever see thanks from you for helping me along my way
I'm watching over you from a window in a white cloud and say
I believe in you. Won't you please believe in me.

How can I ever say thanks to you for helping me along my way
How can I ever see thanks from you for helping me along my way
I'm watching over you from a window in a white cloud and say
I believe in you. Won't you please believe in me.

The party's over now, we're going home alone, face another day.

Theresa's comments

Usually we went into a studio with a plan because at $40 or $50 per hour, you can't fool around and wait for serendipity to find you. But one day we had finished up what we had planned and had some time left over. Kevin and I had been pressuring Jamie to come up with some songs because we wanted 13 from each of us for the "In the Vacuum of the Continuum" album.

Jamie said he had one song in mind. It was short and it was a piano piece. Jamie said he only had one verse but he had plans to write another. So he played the song with the first verse and then repeated the first verse again and then finished with the outro (opposite of intro). His plan was to redo the vocals once he wrote the second verse. But Kevin and I thought the song felt finished without any additional lyrics. I started singing a harmony part on the repeated verse and outro and Jamie liked that so I recorded that part over the original. We tweaked it a bit because Jamie wanted me to try something different and then we called it a song. It's one of my favorites of Jamie's songs. He and I sang it at my Mom's memorial service. He said he had written it about his Dad, after he died.

And we sang it at Kevin's memorial service too.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Easy Riff

An Easy Riff.

This entry was inspired by Theresa's comments on the clue 3D. {Wind instruments named for a Greek god} PANFLUTES in a BEQ crossword puzzle

Rockthrow had a song where I used my keyboard's PAN FLUTES quite extensively. I wrote those little bits while I was riding my bike home one day and Kevin liked it. On the second half, our friend Marty started playing the hammered dulcimer. It took Marty about an hour to get it into tune - it has tons of strings. Then at the end, my flutes come back in. Kevin always said this song was rather ironic because the lyrics are "It's an easy riff to play" but that actually his riff was kind of hard to play.

I believe this song is one of Kevin's frequent railings against crass commercialism - but also with a dig at what becomes popular. We were always bemoaning how repetitive many of the songs are that become hits. The same line over and over with simplistic lyrics. That was probably the inspiration for this song. It's kind of scary how the last italicized section describes this world of Trump.


It’s an easy riff to play
It’s an obvious progression
If you wanna be a star today
You’d better stick with repetition
It’s an easy riff to play
[pan flute]
It’s an obvious progression
If you wanna be a star today
You’d better stick with imitation
People talking big, got the world figured out we really think so
Politician, song writer, preacher man, freedom fighter, oh no
[Pan flute solo]
People walking loud, talking proud 'bout the things they want to tell you
You’re moving like a herd and believing every word they want to sell you
People want to rumble like they're tumbling the bones with the big throw
Making such noise and pushing poison from the fountain of the Big Show
It’s an easy riff to play
It’s an obvious progression
If you wanna be a star today
Better be sexy
[hammered dulcimer heard for first time]
People so certain that they’re hurting anyone who isn't like them
Flirting with disasters and deserting everyone when they are frightened
Cheating our children, it's bewildering to see it all surround us
Toys for us, girls and boys to play with as we wreck the world around us
It’s an easy riff to play
It’s an obvious progression
If you wanna be a star today
Better be a bully
It’s an easy riff to play
It’s an easy riff to play
[finishes with pan flute and hammered dulcimer]